
LACOE’s Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) planning and implementation team invites you to participate in the upcoming UPK Network Sessions. Local education agencies (LEAs) UPK leads, administrators and county-wide ECE advocates and partners will have the opportunity to share best practices, challenges, and recommendations to support ongoing planning and implementation of California’s mixed delivery system to meet the early education needs of 3 and 4-year-old children, inclusive of Universal Transitional Kindergarten and all existing state preschools and federal early education, private child care, and expanded learning opportunities.

In these interactive sessions, you will:

  • Develop a UPK network of support and create valuable partnerships.
  • Obtain UPK planning and implementation updates to address all focus areas.
  • Identify resources, training, technical assistance and support.


Intended Audience: Local Education Agencies (LEAs) UPK Leads, Administrators, and ECE Advocates and Partners

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