During the February 2024 PDE unit meeting, staff were encouraged to write poems related to or inspired by “our love for Head Start.” This group activity was inspirational to all that participated. Here are three examples:

Poem 1

Tiny fingers paint, and stories come alive,

Imagination soars, where dreams can thrive.

Social skills unfold, like butterflies in flight,

Confidence takes root, bathed in gentle light.

Health checks ensure laughter fills the room,

Parents empowered, sharing wisdom’s bloom.

Resources offered, guidance, support’s hand,

Building bridges strong, across shifting sand.

So let us sing of Head Start, its mission grand,

Uplifting families, hand in helping hand.

For in each child nurtured, a future takes its form,

Head Start’s impact echoes,

through sunshine and through storm.


Poem 2

Love is for Children

Joyful and Safe is Head Start

Can’t beat what we do

From the start


Poem 3

If I had my life to live over again,

I’d find Head Start sooner so I

Could love the children and

Families longer