How did you learn about Head Start/Early Head Start?

I am the “tia-mommy” of my nephews since their mother passed. My sister and I have shared guardianship of our nephews. After researching LACOE Head Start, I found that we couldn’t pay for a private school that provides the services that my child’s school provides.

Why did you choose Head Start/Early Head Start?

After checking other schools and districts, I found LACOE had the most credible credentials, staff, and programs that could be provided for Early Head Start students and caretakers.

How has your agency supported you with distance and virtual learning?

My agency provided intro Zoom meetings with all the parents, expressing what was going to happen and what would be provided for children and parents. They provided Technical Enrichment Resources, ABCUSD HS Wellness, and Early Learning Sites for home school, and contact support groups: Educational Coordinator, the Mental Health Coordinator, the Educational Coach, and our assigned Family Service person.

How did you adapt your home to a distance and virtual learning environment?

First, we went and bought a desk and set up an area where we could set up our Zoom times. My sister and I decided who was best to sit by him during Zoom time. Our agency provided a Chrome tablet, writing materials, reading materials, and special links to resources like Second Step.

What advice would you give to another Head Start parent struggling with distance and virtual learning?

I would recommend the child’s caregiver to express their struggle to their teacher, family service worker, and/or the staff at the district office. I have had great support from all of them.