The Policy Council continues to meet remotely on Zoom. Meetings this quarter have included well-received presentations on Universal Pre-Kindergarten, the Individualized Education Program Process and Inclusion, and Immigration Rights and Resources.

Parents are important advocates and partners for our programs, and LACOE is committed to finding ways to engage our parents in support of our shared goals and objectives. As such, parents will be participating in an “All Star” recruitment training on October 19 and are enrolled in two of the career development pathways: the Family Development Credential/Community Health Worker Dual Certification program and the Assistant Teacher program.

The Policy Council Chairperson, Ms. Jennifer Cutlip, has accepted a part-time position in the Head Start and Early Learning Division. Elections will be held during October’s Policy Council meeting to replace her until the new Policy Council is seated. A big thank you to Jennifer for her commitment and exemplary leadership on the Policy Council; her presence in the meetings will surely be missed.